Flitter Mouse Press began as a creative project in 2020 by Sarah and Jen.

Sarah has a long time love of history, books, and odd collections and a colorful education with an associates in graphic design, bachelors in psychology, and masters in library science and archiving.
Jen has a long love of books and dogs. She has written several books herself about a rebel ghost hunter named Jamis Bachman which you can find in our shop. She has an astute education including a bachelors and masters in philosophy and ethics and a second masters in theology. She is constantly working on several new book ideas.

While being heavily influenced by the Victorian era and Penny Dreadfuls, the two started Flitter Mouse Press as a possible literary publication, and while those dreams are still in the works, other projects came to life inside of it. Flitter Mouse Press now includes the traveling museum, historical lectures, and design influenced by the Victorian era. Other projects are quickly coming to life and we are glad that you have come with us on our journey.

Oh, and if you were wondering about the name Flitter Mouse, it was said that the Victorians coined the term flitter mouse as a nickname for the bat!

Hi, I’m Sarah.

Someone asked my mom if I’ve always been like this, and she immediately said yes and told a story about when I was 10 years old taking pictures of gravestones. To be fair, I was taken to a cemetery to visit family where I found a gravestone with my very name on it; first, middle, and last. I still have a picture of it to this day. After all, cemeteries are a sort of free museum, aren’t they? All this just to say that I have always liked macabre, old things. Is it any wonder then, that I grew up to collect antiques from the most macabre era, obsessed with death and the after life, and turned it into a traveling spectacle?

I became a librarian for my love of books and history, earned my degree in library science and archiving. I volunteered at a Victorian house museum, worked on the board, and worked as a curator for a time. And while I like working in those fields, there is nothing like sharing the stories of the weird Victorians and hearing people laugh and oooh and aaah. I hope you’ll let me tell you a story, or two.

Writer, dog lover, spiritual seeker.

Reach me at jen@lifephilos.com